Candidate for
Board of Education
Kathryn (Katie) Flynn

● Nine-year resident of Fairfield
● North Stratfield School PTA President (2021-23), Board of Education Representative
(2018-23), Kindness Committee Chair (2018-2020), and SEPTA Representative (2019-22)
● Fairfield PTA Council President (2022-23)
● Fairfield Public Schools Reopening Committee (2021)
● Member of the Gaelic American Club
● Assumption Church Parishioner and Catechist
● Married with three children in the Fairfield Public Schools
I am running for Board of Education because I believe that all children in Fairfield deserve an exceptional education in the Fairfield Public Schools.
I am committed to promoting innovative programmatics that help our students keep up in an ever changing world and further develop critical Social-Emotional skills, problem-solving abilities, and lifelong creativity. I believe a well rounded, rigorous and robust education is needed for all children to succeed. I support investing in our schools to improve infrastructure, retain high quality educators, and update our curriculum to meet the needs of all students and uphold the investment of the taxpayer in the high quality public schools of Fairfield. Our schools must be healthy and safe facilities to be conducive for learning.
As a PTA leader and parent of three children currently in the Fairfield Public Schools, I understand the importance of fostering strong stakeholder relationships between students, staff and families. As a Board member I will work to continue to build dynamic relationships between our schools and our community.
I am passionate about the future of our public schools and ensuring that all students receive the education that enables them all to succeed. I am anxious to share my experience, commitment and passion to the Fairfield Board of Education.