Candidate for
Zoning Board of Appeals
Joe Schwartz

The Zoning Board of Appeals considers applications from property owners for variances to Fairfield's Zoning regulations, for reasons of hardship. The only issue that should concern the ZBA in each case is equity: what is the landowner's hardship and how will approving the variance impact the neighborhood and the Town. I will be a fair judge in these matters.
4 year term
● Seven-year Fairfield Resident
● Previously lived in Easton, serving 25+ years in government, including a two
● Former Connecticut State Senator, 28th district, which includes Fairfield, 1974-1976
● 40+-year career in banking, real estate lending, and appraisal, which provided a solid
understanding of land and it's highest and best uses
● BA, Economics, Union College; MBA, University of Connecticut
● Married to Diana, father to five grown children, share eight grandchildren